
ChurchNews & Events, Uncategorized

To Honor or Remember at Christmas

This Christmas, to honor or remember loved ones through our church, you may either purchase a beautiful florist poinsettia for $18 or make a practical donation to help with our United Methodist apportionments. The red poinsettias will adorn the sanctuary on Sunday the 18th for both our morning and evening worship services and inserts will recognize donors and recipients. Order forms must be in the church office by Monday, Dec. 12th.

You may also pay at 1stCH.org clicking the Donate link.

Key: P / A = Poinsettia or Apportionments
H / R = to Honor or to Remember

circle appropriate letters, write who it is for and from, give the amount

First Gift: P / A H / R $_______





Second Gift: P / A H / R $_______





Total: $__________

please circle one Check or Cash or Not Paid

please use another form for more gifts; extras in the foyer and church office