From My Heart

ChurchPastor's Blog

In the News
You’ve sat there watching the recent coverage of Hurricane / Tropical Storm Harvey, the conjecture of what might happen with the North Korea situation, the looming damage to Florida plus from Hurricane Irma, and, of course, opinions about what is really going on inside the Trump Administration and Capitol Hill. And the stress just sits there with you. Try something new—actually, a very old discipline. Try praying the news. Buried there in the news lay repeated prompts to your head and heart to ask for God’s blessing in situations, lives, relationships, etc… As you watch in horror, ask for the peace of Christ on the scene. As your eyes go down to the ground in despair, lift up your soul to the Lord and ask for Him to intervene with grace. As your sigh comes out, pull in the story to your silent request to God for those involved. In the news, lying below today’s sensationalism and drama, rests a myriad of prayer opportunities. Pray on.

~ Hurricane Harvey Relief: Incredible! In the midst of dramatically paying down our mortgage and struggling to remain within budget, we still bountifully collected over $4,000 to empower UMCOR with ongoing efforts. Thank you! Bless you.
From My Heart,