Water.org Bakery Corner

ChurchNews & Events

On Sunday, April 30th, we put an astounding $625.00 into the “water jar” that accompanied the Bakery Corner for Water.org after worship. The total we’ve raised so far is $1,188.00 including $500.00 of folks’ “Do Something” funds. There are still cans to be sold as well as several ongoing outside fundraisers that will help, too. Of course, we continue to collect aluminum cans in the lobby of Wesley Hall. Thank you for helping make a difference in Jesus’ name.
What’s new with Water.org? Water.org now has a program that loans funds to small financial institutions for them to make small personal loans to individuals in developing countries. With these loans, individuals can put in their own water and sanitary facilities. The rate of repayment of these loans is currently 99%. The repaid monies are then loaned out to more individuals. This helps the economic development of the country as well as clean water. Other benefits include valuable TIME that women and children can use to help their families or spend in school.
How can you continue to help? As you use aluminum cans or baking containers, please save them and bring them to the church. A container is just outside the church office in Wesley Halls’ lobby. It’s red for easy identification! Cans can easily be recycled, and the recycler will give us money for them. It’s a win-win situation! I promise to pick them up, sell them, and add them to the Water.org fund. However you have contributed to Water.org, whether it was by contributions, “Do Something” funds, praying, giving us encouragement, or just being aware of how much water you use, THANK YOU FOR YOUR EFFORTS!
Judy Dickerson