From My Heart, May 2018

ChurchPastor's Blog

In one of U2’s insightful songs about God’s grace, Bono sings, “I’m not broke, but you can see the cracks.” Oh, such a loaded choice of words. I’m kinda feeling that way these days. This final 3 month stretch w/you is just flat out making me tired: 2 of my 4 weddings to go, just finished a painful funeral, hosting lots of dear friends and family at home, finishing an immense set of preparations to my yard and house, wrapping up and saying bye to Cedar Hill relationships outside our church, Alyssa’s wedding, moving the new Mrs.’ stuff to College Station, selling our home, downsizing my personal library and files, staging and selling our house, finishing projects at our church, learning about Tyler Street Church, Annual Conference, putting our wonderful old dogs down (probably), painfully separating from you — oh yeah, and actually moving.
At the end of the chorus in that song, Bono sings, “All because of You… I am.” It’s a wonderful double-meaning. That is, the fact that he’s not broke [implied] is all because of God, who is the great I AM; and similarly, all because of God [implied] he can say “I am not broken and still surviving” [again implied]. Either way you take it, let me declare that it is indeed God’s grace, Jesus’ life, and the Spirit’s umpf that is helping me get through these 3 months. I pray for whopping amounts of discernment and stamina. And I’d appreciate the company. 🙂
From My Heart,