Sundays in April 2018

ChurchNews & Events

04/01  Easter Resurrection Sunday!  It sure wasn’t an April Fool’s prank! Wasn’t it wonderful! Single most significant worship service every year! [mic’ drop] 04/08  Fellowship with Our Risen Lord During Holy Communion.  Well, He rose, He promised to be with us, and we believe it’s so… so let’s enjoy. Missional Communion Offering will go to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)
for their incredible disaster response efforts.
04/15  Traphene Hickman telling the story of Moses and others.  She’s a Master Storyteller who will to weave together insights and a challenge.
04/22  Earth Day.  Come celebrate and appreciate the Lord’s handiwork… and receive maybe a few action items to walk with Him more closely.
04/29  World Wish Day.  Come find out what it is, why the world loves it, and how we Christians can join in yet still expect more from true life.