Wednesday Nights
Youth 5th - 12th grade join for open gym, dinner, and group chat LIVE.Each Wednesday our youth gather from 5PM to 8PM in the Family Life Center. During open gym they play basketball, throw footballs, and kick soccer balls around. You can also catch them up in the game room playing air hockey, foosball, ping pong, pool, and gaming. At 6:30PM we serve dinner, and our Group Chat LIVE begins at 7PM. We seek to develop SERVANT LEADERS as we deepen our FAITH and strive to WALK WITH GOD.
Community Service
Our Youth are Doers of the Word.As SERVANT LEADERS our youth prioritize giving back to the community. Throughout the year, youth serve through various service projects, and each year the youth go on a mission trip. Our motto is Find YOUR Purpose--Live YOUR Purpose, and we believe that service is at the core of putting our FAITH into action.
Current News & Information
For more information about the Youth ministry, please contact our youth directors:Colleen Alvarenga (909) 499-1553 & Vincent Stevenson (817) 995-8693
You may also send an email to: or gain more information by following us on Facebook and Instagram @Youth1stCH