From My Heart

ChurchPastor's Blog

Missions! I love missions. Partly because Jesus calls us to do so, “in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and unto the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). He told us He’d send His Spirit for this purpose, to help us. To our church, that’s like “in Cedar Hill, DFW, Texas, and the whole world.” I also love missions because they help us “use” our Christianity in various ways and therefore help us develop our faith. And finally, more practically, I love missions because they help a church grow. The reason is they are life-changing for others, and people see that self-sacrifice as meaningful. So, among some mission opportunities we will offer this year, I share right now up front that our Mission team has increased our two missionary commitments 50%! We’re excited to support the Kingerys and Shultzes in their increased need with $150/month. I believe we’re up to the challenge and it will indirectly come back to bless us. Thank you for being a missional church.

From My Heart,

Rev, Jeff Garrett