From My Heart

ChurchPastor's Blog

Well, as I near Annual Conference I often think of a simple and sketchy assessment of the church I pastor because many friends, both clergy and lay, will ask me, “So, how’s the church?” You know I’m going to say, “Wonderful!” But then, depending who’s asking, I will offer some qualifiers. I share all of them with you now as a sort of mini-state-of-the-church address.

  1. our congregation is supportive, respectful, and flexible [note: these three choice words tied together astound most!]
  2. we’re recovering very well from the recent staff crisis; the conference connection has proved to be a huge blessing
  3. we excel at active, personal friendliness with guests and yet strike a balance of giving them room to acclimate at their pace
  4. we’ve totally regained community awareness and it’s beginning to pay dividends in terms of guests and collaboration
  5. we’ve endured some major building repairs and expect only to be faced with more among our seven buildings on campus
  6. we’re looking at partnering with an African-American UMC in some way; however it ends up it’ll be a win-win situation
  7. we brought in 12 1/2% less this year in our first quarter over last year, and I hope and expect we’ll make up for it in the second

Love You All, From My Heart,
Rev. Jeff Garrett