A Sleepytime Christmas
Christmas is about Jesus—the greatest gift ever given! In Jesus, God gave us Himself AND a simple way to forgiveness so we may interact personally with Him. Therefore, think back to that first Christmas. What do you see at the heart and center of that idyllic scene? Christ the newborn Babe. And what is He doing? Well, I dare say for most of us, we picture a knee-jerk image of Him sleeping. Now ponder that for a moment. So, at some core level, Christmas is about, well, sleep. What might this mean? It lifts up the truth that God provided for us the Source for real fulfillment and contentment so we can truly be a peace. Ahhhhh. Our sufficiency is Jesus. So, I invite you to slow down and relax, get a warm and full tummy, hunker down and snuggle up, take a Christmas nap… and “sleep in heavenly peace, slee-eep in hea-eav’nly peace.”
PS: For a little tangible inspiration this season, I give you my dogs. Professional sleepers, both of them. After a festive treat, laying in our presence, cuddled on their dog bed, and toasting in front of the fire, they’re feeling totally fulfilled and at peace (one big sigh, heavy breathing, loud snoring, twitching and dreaming).
From My Heart,
Rev. Jeff Garrett