So, where are Jeff & Cindi today on their ‘Voyage of the Vikings’ cruise?

ChurchPastor's Blog

08/08, at sea cruising the English Channel: We passed by Belgium, now England is on our right and France is on our left. Well, I guess we floated right over the Chunnel, that 31 mile rail tunnel linking England and France at 99 miles per hour. We’re cruising down and around the southern coast of England to arrive in Dublin, Ireland—where nomadic people came and went since the First Century AD, Christians settled with religious (monastic?) communities, and Vikings finally conquered and established in the mid-1800s. And, no!, Mrs. Nancy [Sheridan] Evans, we have no interest in kissing the Blarney Stone. :-/ Maybe I’ll bump into Bono—lead singer of U2, one of my favorites—as they are from here.
–guess what temperatures are? 50s & 60s again—not complaining
~ Thinking of French, English, and Irish castles, recall with us what the psalmist said. “The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” (Psalm 9:9) In other words, God is our castle.