So, where are Jeff & Cindi today on their ‘Voyage of the Vikings’ cruise?

ChurchPastor's Blog

08/03, Alesund, Norway: Today we began three 1-day stops in Norway, a strange country on par with the latitudes of Alaska, Greenland, and Siberia but for some reason much warmer—and therefore more beautiful and colorful. All three stops are inland from the ocean, the furthest being about 100 miles from the coast at Eidfjord. Imagine a huge cruise ship coming inland from Galveston Bay to dock in downtown Nacogdoches. That’s about the same distance. The views of blending of mountains and ocean fingers, along with an occasional waterfall, are absolutely breathtaking! I could retire here. 🙂
–savoring temperatures ranging from the 50s to 60s
~ Psalm 65:8, “The whole earth is filled with awe at Your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, You call forth songs of joy.” And we oblige Him gladly.