Communion Offering and Coat Drive

ChurchNews & Events

Missional Communion Offering
Last Sunday we collected a nice round $500 for Bridges Safehouse, the local outreach ministry to women in transition, whether with or without children. They partner with a the other similar-but-distinctly-different women’s outreach in Cedar Hill, Hope Mansion, which is only for expecting mothers. Thank you for your enduring generosity toward this vital ministry that our church helped establish and continues to support.

Winter Coat Drive
Recently, in discussing urgent needs with Nicole, Director at Bridges Safehouse, we learned that the women and children at both shelters could use some more warm outer clothes. We invite you to donate any winter items you have that would help them: coats, jackets, and accessories. We’re collecting items in the church office through this Friday, January 20—office closes at 1:00pm.