News from Troop 520’s Campfire

ChurchNews & Events

Our Scouting Ministry here at First Methodist is proud to announce the graduation of eleven scouts. These boys have camped, earned badges, collected food for Scouting for Food as well as other community service projects, traveled to high adventure trips, followed the Eagle Trail, and learned to live by the Scout motto, promise and law together. Some of these young men have even raced little wooden cars together and all of the time having fun together in God’s special places. The probability is high that they have developed life long friendships. These young men are Eagle Scout Ralph Alvarez, Eagle Scout Noah Bergerson, Eagle Scout Walker Emmert, Eagle Scout Bryor Henson, Eagle Scout Sebastian Hill, Eagle Scout Daniel Lamkin, Eagle Scout Bronson Lincks, Eagle Scout Eli Marjonen, Eagle Scout Connor Redhair, and Eagle Scout D’Andre Somersall.
This summer, Troop 520 has major plans. The troop will be going to the Buffalo River canoe trip in June. Immediately following the canoe trip, the boys and their leaders will be going to summer camp at Camp Chris Dobbins in Colorado. A select group of boys and leaders will be going on a high adventure trip to The Summit, a new Scouting facility in West Virginia. The quarterly Eagle Court of Honor will be held in the Historic Sanctuary on July 15. All church members are welcome to attend.