So Excited!

ChurchNews & Events

FUMC Cedar Hill

We’re so excited about the tangible effects of our Grand Idea efforts. When we began working on the idea a year ago, our mortgage debt was $1.4 million. Gifts large and small have been coming in each month since last December. In June our mortgage statement showed that we had just begun paying more to principal every month than interest. In August we knocked out debt down into $900,000s, becoming less than seven figures for the first time since 2005. And the latest, in late Sept.: it’s in the low $800,000s. Praise the Lord!
We’re beginning to breathe again financially. We began with a metaphor of bowling pins where a strike represents paying off the mortgage entirely. We’ve confidently knocked down 4 pins and are now hammering on the fifth. Please join us. Pray about giving from your “left pocket” funds. Consider giving the would-be gift from your will now and enjoy it with us.