XYZ (Xtra Years of Zest) on Thursday, May 25

ChurchNews & Events


Here’s your reminder that the members/friends in XYZ will be meeting for lunch on Thursday, May 25th, @11:45, in the FLC. And remember that we each bring a dish to share, fried chicken, a salad, veggies, and of course dessert. Mabren and Santhia are the hostesses for this luncheon, but we all help to clean the tables and kitchen before going home. So come on and enjoy being with friends and bring a friend who might not know about our luncheons and would enjoy being with us.

No one has signed up for the three months of summer, so we need to decide about whether or not we want to continue to meet during the summer. So be ready to give your preference at the meeting.

And, Pastor Jeff, I forgot to check with you about a program for this month, so if you have done the work and have a speaker for the day, please take over as you have been so kind to do in the past. Just remember we have no officers in this organization, which says anyone can have their “say”.