Please Pray For Annual Conference Today & Tomorrow, 9-18-2020

nancyevansNews & Events

Please be in prayer for our Annual Conference today and tomorrw. Keva and our Lay Leader, George Shultz, will be attending the Zoom meetings. There are many important decisions to be made for our denomination. Please pray for wisdom for the decisions to be made prayerfully and that the conference will bring all involved and each member of our denomination closer to God and to each other.

Lay Leader Report on the UMC NTC Metro District Conference

The Metro District Conference of the UMC North Texas Conference took place on August 30. The District Superintendent (DS), Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason presented the agenda for the meeting. Rev. Andy Lewis gave delegates information about the upcoming Annual Conference (September 18-19). You can read about the Annual Conference at this link: Rev. Jodi Smith presented the Metro District budget proposal for 2021, a decrease of 11% or $12M from 2020.
The Conference voted to approve a slate of at-large members nominated to represent the Metro District at the Annual Conference, approved a slate of people nominated to serve on district committees (Finance and Trustees Committee, Buildings and Locations Committee, Superintendency Committee, District Committee on Ordained Ministry Committee, and the Nominating Committee), and approved the budget for the Finance and Trustees Committee. The District Committee on Ordained Ministry reported that four people are to be commissioned, six people are to be ordained, and eight people are retiring. There were thirteen new appointments to churches in the district in 2020. The DS closed the conference by encouraging the delegates to pay apportionments, give to Hurricane Laura relief work, and practice hope during this time of uncertainty.
George Shultz, Lay Leader