Sunday, May 2 – Expanded Worship Opportunities Begin

nancyevansNews & Events

            We never imagined that it would take this long for things to start calming down with regard to health concerns. And certainly, there are still issues and things we need to be aware of at this time. But things are starting to get better, and so we feel a little more confident in opening up different worship opportunities. We trust God to guide us and will continue to cover things in prayer and seek the Lord’s wisdom.

            Our Board of Trustees recently met and prayerfully considered moving forward in a couple of areas. We will continue to request that everyone who attends in person services wear masks and be aware of social distancing.  However, we are excited that the first Sunday in May will be the start of opportunities to sing and begin nursery/children ministries.

Singing During Worship It will be glorious to have live singing in the service starting May 2! Santhia will be leading our singing without a mask. We do still request that those in the congregation keep a mask on, but you are welcome to sing. We appreciate Santhia’s heroic efforts to keep meaningful musical opportunities available over the last year. And we know that she will continue with creative ideas in this next phase until we can fully return to all out glorious singing and music.

Nursery and Children’s Opportunities We will continue our Children’s Moment with Miss Patty on line before worship, but we are also starting our in person nursery and children’s opportunities beginning May 2. The nursery will be offered during the worship service for children who are 4 years-old and younger. The nursery will be moved to the Wesley Hall building where there is more room to spread out. (It is the building to the north with the fountain in the front.) 

Also beginning on May 2, children who are 5 years-old through the 5th grade will have the option to go to Children’s Church with Patty Brooks (Director of Children’s Ministry). It will be held in the church gym (also known as the Family Life Center) which is next door in the same building with the larger nursery. The children should join their families for the beginning of worship in the Main Sanctuary, and we will announce during the service when it is time for the children to go with Ms. Patty next door for Children’s Church. 

After worship, parents will pick up their children from the nursery or the gym.